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Saltar introducción

Helping Companies Calculate
and Cut their Impact

Vaayu is the world’s first automated AI software
potenciar las marcas y los comercios minoristas
para seguir y reducir el impacto ambiental en tiempo real.
Cómo funciona Vaayu
Logotipo de KlarnaLogotipo de OtriumLogotipo del WTCnew balance logoLogotipo de rayasLogotipo VintedLogotipo de OtriumLogotipo Seller XLogotipo de Ace & TateLogotipo de la tienda ApothekeLogotipo de MissomaLogotipo de MissomaLogotipo de MissomaLogotipo de SelkieLogotipo de BayerLogotipo Veja

Marcas globales de confianza

Estamos orgullosos de colaborar con una creciente red de
pioneros del comercio retail que eligen crear
impacto tangible en su día a día.
textura del planeta

Su proveedor climático integral

We know calculating climate impact isn’t easy, especially within retail's rapidly evolving legal landscape. With Vaayu’s proprietary AI and machine learning technology, you can automate impact calculations like emissions, water and waste to provide granular insights that inform data-driven decision-making and ensure company compliance.

Transparent transformation, trusted by

industry leaders

“We are proud of our partnership with Vaayu and are looking forward to more initiatives to drive sustainable development together.”

logo klarna

Salah Said

Head of Sustainability at Klarna

"Vaayu is able to provide us with the granular, accurate and automated carbon calculations that we so need. You can shape the tool around what matters most to your business."

Femme van Gils

Sustainability Manager at Ace & Tate

"Vaayu enabled us to dive deep into the impact of our products and business to a level of detail we have never gone to before. We can now confidently measure and communicate."

Albin Johansson

Co-Founder and CEO of Axel Arigato

“Real-time data gives us confidence in what we are communicating. It's been a real partnership, Vaayu has been educating us and helping us to attain the next goal."

logo missoma

Marisa Hordern

Founder and Creative Director of MISSOMA

Cómo funciona Vaayu

alt textura del cielo

Automatice su

Cálculos de impacto

For easy impact and emissions calculations, connect
your shop platform and internal systems or use our API.
Our proprietary Kria Impact Modeling Engine uses AI,
machine learning and certified methodology, automating
robust activity-based life cycle assessment data.

Seguimiento de tu


La huella granular a escala supervisa 16 categorías de impacto,
incluidas las emisiones, el agua y los residuos. Navegue por las normativas y
 measure Scope 1-3 impact, including complex supply chains, using
your real-time dashboard.
textura de arena

Reduce tus

Impacto climático

Shape a tailored roadmap by setting ambitious, achievable
environmental goals for your business to mitigate its climate
impact. Leveraging data and predictive analytics, explore,
compare and map reduction scenarios to visualize how
different impact-saving strategies influence your reduction journey.
textura del cielo


Su viaje

Complying. Compelling. Credible. The need for clear
communication of retail environmental efforts and legal compliance
just keeps growing. Whoever your stakeholders, and whatever your
mission, credibly tell your story using data.
textura de piedra
rock texture

Automate Your Impact Calculations

For easy impact and emissions calculations, connect your shop platform and internal systems or use our API. Our proprietary Kria Impact Modeling Engine uses AI, machine learning and certified methodology, automating robust activity-based life cycle assessment data.

textura del cielo

Track Your

Granular footprinting at scale monitors 16 impact categories, including emissions, water and waste. Navigate regulations and measure Scope 1-3 impact, including complex supply chains, using your real-time dashboard.

textura de piedra

Cut Your
Climate Impact

Shape a tailored roadmap by setting ambitious, achievableenvironmental goals for your business to mitigate its climateimpact. Leveraging data and predictive analytics, explore,compare and map reduction scenarios to visualize howdifferent impact-saving strategies influence your reduction journey.

Cómo funciona Vaayu

alt textura del cielo

Automatice su

Cálculos de impacto

For easy impact and emissions calculations, connect
your shop platform and internal systems or use our API.
Our proprietary Kria Impact Modeling Engine uses AI,
machine learning and certified methodology, automating
robust activity-based life cycle assessment data.

Seguimiento de tu


La huella granular a escala supervisa 16 categorías de impacto,
incluidas las emisiones, el agua y los residuos. Navegue por las normativas y
 measure Scope 1-3 impact, including complex supply chains, using
your real-time dashboard.
textura de arena

Reduce tus

Impacto climático

Shape a tailored roadmap by setting ambitious, achievable
environmental goals for your business to mitigate its climate
impact. Leveraging data and predictive analytics, explore,
compare and map reduction scenarios to visualize how
different impact-saving strategies influence your reduction journey.
textura del cielo


Su viaje

Complying. Compelling. Credible. The need for clear
communication of retail environmental efforts and legal compliance
just keeps growing. Whoever your stakeholders, and whatever your
mission, credibly tell your story using data.
textura de piedra


Salah Said - Director de Sostenibilidad de Klarna
"En Klarna queremos que los consumidores puedan tomar decisiones más informadas.
y elecciones conscientes. Trabajamos con los principales
expertos como Vaayu para que los consumidores encuentren la sostenibilidad
información relacionada con los productos que compran".

Organic Basics

Anja Buchcik - Directora General de Impacto
"En Organic Basics tenemos una visión holística de la
sostenibilidad y el CO2 es uno de nuestros principales
KPIs. La acción climática está en el centro de nuestro negocio,
por lo que calculamos las emisiones a lo largo de todo el
ciclo de vida de los productos y de nuestras operaciones,
lo que influencia cada decisión que tomamos".


Marisa Hordern - CEO y Directora Creativa
"Asociarnos con Vaayu como parte de nuestra estrategia de
sostenibilidad ha sido crucial para nuestra propia misión interna.
Con una amplia experiencia en retail, Vaayu nos entiende como
industria, y conoce nuestras necesidades, lo que nos
permite digitalizar nuestros datos en tiempo real
empujar nuestros límites".

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes

Quiénes somos

testimonio de missoma
missoma x vaayu
testimonio de armed angels
vaayu x armed angels
caso práctico Organic Basics
organic basics x vaayu


vaayu x klarna botón de reproducciónvaayu x klarna
caso práctico Organic Basicsbotón de reproducciónorganic basics x vaayu
testimonio de missoma
missoma x vaayu
caso práctico Organic Basics
organic basics x vaayu
testimonio de missoma
missoma x vaayu
testimonio de armed angels
vaayu x armed angels


Vaayu en la prensa

Creemos de corazón en un futuro sostenible para el comercio retail y estamos
orgulloso de unirnos a la conversación con líderes y
y publicaciones del sector.
For more updates, join our mailing list and receive Vaayu news direct to your inbox.

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